Monday, August 24, 2009

Welcome Food Eaters!

The purpose of this blog is simple. Three or more times every day, we are compelled to eat. More than we perform any other biological act other than breathing. And more enjoyable than any of them, save one or two.

This is about the joy of food. I believe that you do not have go to a good restaurant to eat a great meal, nor do you have to go to grandma's house. You can and should make them yourself. That said, I still love to eat the cooking of our wise elders, and our great chefs. I want to know your favorites -- your favorite grandma recipes, and your favorite restaurant meals.

In other words, I want to know where you love to eat out. I want to see decscribed in pornographic detail what you love to eat. Sure, I live in Kansas City, but I travel, and so do others. Your bests, from your towns, no matter where they are.

But more importantly, share your great recipes. And those of your parents and grandparents, and other friends and family members.

My best memories in my youth were at the family farm, in St. Clair County, MO, when the rain was drumming the tin roof, and grandma and I were cooking pork hocks and greens with peppers and onions. And spending our Augusts making dill pickles and spiced peaches. Or watching the snow pile up with a roaring fire in the hearth as we made made fresh bread in the wood-fired oven. She taught me to garden, to pickle, to smoke meat, to bake. Tell us the stories of those who inspired you to cook.

It is about eating, sure. But it is about family. About history. About culture. About America, in all her wonderful diversity.

I love food. From pot roast to sushi, from cioppino to pulled pork, from rare prime rib to salad nicoise.

I don't care if you are vegan or carnivore. Give us your best. I love it all, and love great meals of all kinds.

Food is life.

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